TESA - Tactics Editor for Squad Action

Tactics Editor for Squad Action (TESA)

TESA is exactly what the acronym stands for - an editor for squad tactics. It is designed for use in competitive gameplay, where clans organise a strategy for how they are going to attack a map. It gives provision for entering text for the overall faction strategy, squad strategies and individual team member actions. It also has the ability to select kits, spawns and vehicles for team members. Members can be organised into squads.

Once the layout for all factions is set up the editor can output the results to html. There are 3 types of html output - one is suited to forums and contains no headers. The other two are standard html pages and a css formatted html page.

The advantage this editor has is that it is not aimed at one particular game. Whilst the maps and setup for 32-player Battlefield 2 is included with the release, the editor is highly customizable. There are several text files that can be edited to modify TESA setup and output. Maps/game setups provided by the community will be welcomed for inclusion in the TESA release.

TESA was made with the support of the Imperium gaming clan.


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(c) Sonic-NZ @ Imperium, 2006